Travel with the least resistance.

Introducing: GetBy Travel Kit.

Currency Tool
GetBy Dashboard
Weather Tool
GetBy Travel Kit is the pocket companion for the traveler off the beaten path.
You want to skip the tour, try the street food, and hail a tuk-tuk?
We won’t dissuade you; we’ll help you do it.
Download For iOS
Currency Converter Icon

Currency Converter

Unsure how many Thai baht are in a US dollar? Or maybe you’re experiencing the rollercoaster Argentine peso. Calculate prices on-the-go to know a good deal when you see one.

Weather Icon


Temperature is only half the battle! Track the air quality, humidity, precipitation, and wind speed to know which day to head to the beach and when to hide in the museum.

Checklist Icon


Never forget your phone charger or contact lenses again. Ditch the sticky notes and update the customizable packing list in your pocket. 

Journal Icon


Jot down favorite memories, key phrases, and the name of that one cafe with the lemon tart. Not so sentimental? Track your meal spending and your next hotel address instead. Your travels, your journal.